Thursday, May 21, 2020
How I Become An Electrician - 1125 Words
How to Become an Electrician Last summer, I worked for an electrician company that helped open my eyes to all the possibilities that I could do in the world, and becoming an electrician was one of them. Since I have worked at the company, becoming an electrician is definitely something I want to learn more about. In this essay, I want to further my knowledge on how to become an electrician by uncovering the process that I need to know to become one. Also, the difference between choosing to become a union or non-union electrician if it is what I choose to do. The first step to becoming an electrician is to do some preliminary schooling. This relates to taking relevant high school classes if you previously had an interest in becoming an electrician or at the collegiate level (How to Become . . . ). Kirkwood offers a few programs to help give you some of the basics. Their industrial maintenance and electrical engineering programs can both help you get ready to get into an apprenticeship program The industrial maintenance technology program is very broad, and covers basics in a lot of trades and not only electrical (Industrial Technology). The electrical engineering program is designed to specifically focus on the electrical trade. Kirkwoods electrical engineering program is designed so that once you complete it, that all the credits will transfer to UNI to keep on pursuing the program (Electronics Engineering). Also, taking preliminary classes will help increase the odds ofShow MoreRelatedCase Study : Noel Electrical Supply Company913 Words  | 4 Pagessupply warehouse located in Concord, Ontario in a prime industrial location, with easy access to electrical contractors and journeyman/women electricians. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Public Housing Policy in Singapore - 507 Words
1 INTRODUCTION The Singapore public housing policy since its establishment has proved to provide shelter for the population and has contributed significantly to the economic, social and political development of Singapore. This policy has been the benchmark for the best public housing by other countries notably China and Hong Kong (Yang, 2010; Wong, 2011). The public housing policy implementation has been spearheaded by Housing and Development Board (HDB) to tackle post war economic problems such as rapid population growth, high unemployment rate and a critical shortage of sanitary housing (HDB, 2014). The policy was also aimed to mitigate social problems such as riots and strikes among the different ethnic groups (HDB, 2014). The success story of public housing policy implementation lies in the higher economic growth and social stability of Singapore. Economic growth saw 82% of the population live in 879,000 HDB flats located across 23 towns and estates with home ownership rate at 95% high (Department of Statistics, 2014). In terms of social stability, the policy implementation has freed Singapore from race riot since 1969 (Department of Statistics, 2014). However, rising issues and concerns of ageing population, income disparity and higher housing price have destabilized Singapore’s public housing policy (Population White Paper, 2013). In light of these challenges, new measures and directions have to be introduced by the Government to keep public housing policy relevantShow MoreRelatedThe Public Housing Authority Of Singapore1461 Words  | 6 PagesHDB, the public housing authority of Singapore, was established in 1960. The authority had grown rapidly in size and responsibilities-from initially meeting the basic shelter needs of 6% of the population to, in 2007, providing quality homes for 81% of a 3.7 million population. Due to land scarcity, its high-rise, high density living provided an effective solution to meeting housing needs for Singapore. HDB had a comprehensive building program, under which 984,000 apartments had been completed asRead MoreThe rapid rise of economies in Asia over the past few decades has been phenom enal. According to1200 Words  | 5 PagesThe rapid rise of economies in Asia over the past few decades has been phenomenal. According to (Steven, Jeffrey and Jong-Wha, 1997), Asian countries such as Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, Korea, China, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia grew at an average of over 5.5% per year in per capita terms between 1965 and 1990. The mentioned 08 Asian countries are also known as the eight high-performing Asian economies (HPAEs). 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The Threats Of Increasing Global Warming Environmental Sciences Essay Free Essays
Global heating, besides referred to as the nursery consequence, is the ageless addition in the mean temperature of the Earth ‘s near-surface and oceans. It has been one of the environment ‘s and worlds ‘ greatest menaces for the last decennary. Its chief menaces are the additions of the mean temperature of the Earth, rises in sea degrees, and climate alteration among others and in the most utmost instance, it could kill all of us along with the terminal of the universe. We will write a custom essay sample on The Threats Of Increasing Global Warming Environmental Sciences Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now In the old old ages, emanations of nursery gases in the ambiance were balanced out by those that were of course absorbed.A As a consequence, nursery gases concentrations have been reasonably stable giving a consistent clime and thereby keeping even planetary temperatures. However, with the usage of more and more energy and resources over clip, the Earth can non absorb the extra pollutants any longer and they are hence retained in the ambiance and this causes major jobs as explained below. First, air pollution is one of the chief causes of planetary heating. The latter is caused by human activities affecting the inordinate usage of fossil fuels such as coal, oil, crude oil and natural gas among others, to bring forth electricity, heat our places, power our mills and run our cars.A These fossil fuels contain C which is released when they are burned, they the combine with O to organize C dioxide in the ambiance. Greenhouse gases are besides released ; viz. C dioxide, methane, azotic oxide and fluorocarbons. Carbon dioxide is the most harmful one to the nature since it is the gas with the higher concentration in our planet. Harmonizing to the statistics of the Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Centre, there have been a rise in the C dioxide concentration of more than 2 parts per million during the twelvemonth 2001 and 2005[ 1 ]. The extra nursery gases stay in the ambiance and these act as a shield, which reflect all the sunshine energy back to the Earth taking to overh eating. In other words, sunshine is let through the ambiance and the reflected sunshine beams are kept at bay interior. Furthermore, there is the inordinate usage of man-made merchandises which contain Cl, F and C. There is besides methane which is released from landfills and agribusiness, azotic oxide from fertilisers, vehicles and gases used for infrigidation and industrial procedures C dioxide. These destroy our ozone bed, either by diminishing its thickness or by doing holes in it. We can non afford the depletion of the ozone bed, since it protects the Earth and us from high UV radiation. As a consequence of this, extremely energetic solar beams get straight into contact with the Earth, and merely a few of its energy has been absorbed by the ozone bed. Together with the pollutants that are already blocked in the ambiance, this intense energy is trapped in bend indoors as explained above. The Environment Agency reports show that there has been an addition of about 2 Degrees Celsius of in the Earth ‘s mean temperature since 2002[ 2 ] Furthermore, another great cause of planetary heating is deforestation which involves the cutting down trees to supply land infinite for agricultural intents or building intents among others. In proficient footings, the trees absorb C dioxide and release oxygen.A This procedure occurs of course by photosynthesis, which occurs less and less as we cut and burn down trees.A As the copiousness of trees diminutions, less C dioxide can be recycled.A As they are burned down, more C is released into the air, adding to the nursery consequence. In other words, C dioxide is being added to the ambiance at a faster rate than photosynthesis can take the extra gas with deforestation. The research conducted by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, some 13 million hectares of woods worldwide are lost every twelvemonth and deforestation represents about 30 % of the nursery gases emitted yearly[ 3 ]. This loss is important to climate alteration, because life on Earth is C based ; trees build themselves with the C dioxide that would otherwise heat our ambiance. Forests act as a mammoth sponge, conserving H2O. They shade and moderate temperature, shelter beings from air current and cold, and bring forth nutrient for us.[ 4 ] Coupled with these, there are some other minor causes of the nursery consequence, viz. : cowss rise uping, rice cultivation, heavy dumping in the landfills and H2O, the usage in of pesticides and insect powders that contain toxic chemicals, dust produced from rock crushers, escape in atomic industries and volcanic eruptions among the legion others. As we have seen so far, human existences every bit good as engineering are the chief perpetrators for the bad status of the environment today and we are the lone 1 that can work out it, if non cut down it to let the endurance of the future coevals. The impacts of planetary heating are immense as good and they are really harmful in the long tally. We have already witnessed it and it is acquiring worse. However, there can be a 2nd ice age if the Earth does non warm up at all and this can be regarded as the lone â€Å" benefit †of planetary heating. In the visible radiation of the above, we can reason that planetary heating, which is speed uping, which is a human-created phenomenon that is really unsafe and must be reduced. In brief, planetary heating is the release of nursery gases in the ambiance ensuing into the nursery consequence. They are formed chiefly due human activities that pollute the air, big graduated table cutting down of woods and the usage of CFC merchandises and are doing more nursery gases, particularly C dioxide, to construct up quickly in the ambiance. There is an pressing demand to cut down the emanation of these gases ; the maximal humanly possible. While authoritiess debate for actions, nature Teachs humanity this lesson: Earth is heating up, drastic alterations can happen any clip every bit shortly as a certain threshold is exceeded and it is clip for us, great and strong people, to pay attending and react and neutralise this phenomenon called planetary heating. The quicker we can respond and the more em anation we can forestall, the better it is since the Earth is alone. How to cite The Threats Of Increasing Global Warming Environmental Sciences Essay, Essay examples
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